The Peaceful Warrior!

Vį ég fę oft stundum gęsahśš en žegar ég horfši į trailerinn į žessari mynd žį held ég hafi nęstum žvķ breyst ķ gęs. Žetta er mynd eftir bókinn The Peaceful Warrior sem ég hef nś ekki lesiš og hef ekki heyrt um fyrr en ég fékk póst frį zaadz og bara aš sjį trailerinn og lesa um hvaš bókin er žį breyttist ég ķ gęs ekki nóg meš žaš var "vinkona" mķn Sia aš syngja ķ trailerinn žaš gerši algjörlega śtum mig śff ég verš aš nį mér nišur... žaš er veriš aš gefa miša į žessa mynd nśna ķ bandarķkjunum, stašinn fyrir aš spreša mikinn pening ķ auglżsingar og svošleiš žį ętla žeir aš gefa miša į žessa mynd til aš lįta sķšan fólkiš auglżsa sem er alveg drullu snišugt concept og sżnir aš breytingar eiga sér til stašar og meira segja ķ Hollywood!

Žessa mynd veršum viš aš fį til Ķslands! Viš veršum aš fį bķóin til aš sżna fleiri svona myndir! Myndir til aš vekja fólk śr djśpum svefni, myndir sem vekja upp įkvešnar tilfinningar!


Free Tickets to Peaceful Warrior 

Everyone? Exciting news!

Tomorrow, Peaceful Warrior is opening nationwide.

There's an awesome story behind this release, but more on that later. :) The important thing is that we're inviting you to see it--for free--this weekend.

All you need to do is visit this link, collect the tickets (you can get a bunch for you and your friends), and bring them to the theater of your choice. (they’ve already given away 900,000+ and it’s time for you to grab yours!)

And then come back and we'll tell you about the rest. ;)

Ready? Great.

Remember when the movie version of Dan Millman's book, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior first came out last year? It had a successful limited release, but then went 'underground.' Incredibly, though, Universal Pictures opted to revive it--something that's happened only twice before in the history of Hollywood production.

That itself is pretty cool, but there's something even more unique about the story of the film.

Universal understood that Dan's message couldn't really be captured in a quick trailer or through a slick advertising campaign, and so, instead of using up their marketing budget on promotional billboards, they decided to spend it on the audience instead... spreading the message by giving the movie away.

If that's not conscious capitalism in action, we don't know what is. ;)

So go on! Collect your tickets! (If you've not heard of the film, you're in for a treat--Peaceful Warrior is the semi-autobiographical story of Dan Millman's extraordinary experience with an unlikely spiritual mentor... and it's seriously inspirational.) Then check out the Zaadz Peaceful Warrior pod, or put out the word to other Zaadzsters in your area to meet up for a screening. It's the perfect opportunity to get to know each other. Zaadzsters rock--if we do say so ourselves.

In service, enthusiasm, and love...

The Zaadz Team.

PS. Please pass this email on to your friends! Just hit forward and let them know about the tickets--and Zaadz! If you're not a member, just click here. We'd love you to join us in being the change :)
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