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Win a Sustainable Vacation! 


Vacation? Education? Opportunity to change the world? We're not sure what to call this, but it's a brilliant idea.

You might have seen the posts on our site for the Sustainable Energy in Motion Bicycle Tour (excellent name, hm?). They're offering a raffle to win a free one-week summer tour.

Go sign up. Seriously. (And if you can't afford a week this summer, well, pass on the link. I'm sure SOMEONE you know likes to ride.) And then come back and read a little more about it--because really, this is an amazing little business.

They've managed to blend everything that's good about vacations with a wonderfully healthy (both for you and the planet) opportunity to learn. The trips take place in the Pacific Northwest--one of the most beautiful parts of the country--and travel through organic farms and intentional communities. So instead of just sight-seeing, riders get to learn about permaculture, green-building, small-scale economies, and sustainable energy.


(Of course, there's also the broader experience of the tours. I love vacations that take place days outdoors, engaging with the land and camping under the open night sky, and what they do your body and heart and spirit. It's like learning what it means to really breathe.)

Anyway. If you feel like giving yourself a different kind of gift, or collecting a group of friends and spending a week or so doing work that matters, or even just writing to find out more, check out the site. They're a tiny company and deserve the support. And remember, they're offering a raffle... so go sign up, and again, please forward this to anyone you think might enjoy this sort of experience!

Much love,
and The Zaadz Team

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1 Smįmynd: Steinunn Helga Siguršardóttir


Ljós til žķn !


Steinunn Helga Siguršardóttir, 5.5.2007 kl. 13:40

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